Data & Reporting

Corporate Travel Solutions

Your data is important to you. Delivering your data to you quickly and in a way that is easy to understand is important to us. All our clients have access to our live, online reporting platform that delivers a suite of easy to navigate reports allowing you to access and interrogate your data whenever you need it.


Our state of the art, in-house developed reporting platform delivers our customers real time, comprehensive travel data 24/7 through an intuitive, easy to use online platform. TripAlytics was built by our own team of developers specifically to meet the demand and requests of our customers in Ireland.

Our actionable insights facilitate quicker decision making, giving you complete insight into areas such as travel spend, policy compliance, traveller behaviour, carbon emissions and savings opportunities. It’s designed for use in the office, boardroom and on the move. Request a demo with us today to gain greater insight into your business travel spend.

TripAlytics Features

TripAlytics provides flexible interrogation of travel data to identify booking compliance and exception levels, trends and invoicing information. Apart from clear visualisation of data, it has many unique features that provide value to our clients in multiple ways

Pre and Post Trip

Pre and post trip data is stored in the same database, allowing users to see their entire data set in one place

Real-time Comprehensive Data

With booking data for all travel components delivered to our central database, you have an immediate and consolidated view of data to support fast decision-making, security tracking, policy management and forecasting

Dynamic Data Collection

We collect real time data and use transaction versioning to enrich the data with each new change, meaning that not only will you be able to see the most up to date account of the transaction, but you can then examine the full story of that transaction’s lifecycle

Data Flexibility and Validation

There are many ways clients validate their data; with the application of data tables we can accommodate client-specific rules and tables for more customised and comprehensive reporting, such as office locations, supplier deals, client defined geo regions and many more

Report Library

Available to all users is a comprehensive standard report library with pre-formatted reports and transaction downloads, and which will also contain any custom report templates you create


CO2 Reporting

Looking to incorporate greener travel into your travel policy? Or just looking for visibility on Carbon Emissions at a company and individual level? TripAlytics gives you complete visibility of CO2 emissions per trip and presents the information to you in a way that's easy to understand

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